What’s in a Good Job Offer? Here’s Our Recipe.

What’s in a Good Job Offer? Here’s Our Recipe.

Recipe: The Perfect Offer Letter
From the Kitchen of: EHS Hospitality-Minneapolis

A good offer letter is more than a formality. It’s an essential part of an employer’s sales pitch, inclusive in its content and enticing enough to combat a counter offer before it’s made.


1          Welcoming tone

1          Start date

1          Starting salary

1          Summary of benefits

1          Performance review schedule

1          Overview of contingencies

1          Total value of offer


  1. Begin with a warm welcome and congratulations. Make sure this tone is mixed in well throughout the offer.
  2. Add the candidate's anticipated start date. Include their starting salary, making sure to describe any probationary and training period terms in play at the beginning of their employment.
  3. Fold in a summary of all benefits. Don't forget to use specifics in describing any company contributions toward insurance premiums or 401(k) plans, paid time off, and other perks that add spice to your compensation package.
  4. Benchmarks are important. Include your company's review process and timeline in the mix.
  5. Are there contingencies in the offer? Stir in information on any background checks, drug tests, or other requirements that are essential to employment.
  6. Smooth the icing (or total value of your offer) on top. This is where you ensure your company's unique recipe stands out against other offers. Show a breakdown of the monetary value of all components - salary, anticipated bonuses, health insurance, and other perks - and add up these amounts to show the fullest value of your offer.
  7. Forward your offer letter to your recruiter for a taste test. They will use expertise on the candidate and the industry to help you determine if any ingredients need adjustments.
  8. Serve offer to candidate. Your attention to the highest quality and most comprehensive ingredients has created a culinary – and hiring – masterpiece.

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